
On this page you can comment about tools used in the wilds. Most firemaking tools would probably be better mentioned on the firemaking page. But if you think it’s appropriate, you can talk about firemaking and food and water tools here. No big deal.

Even entertainment is fair game. I know a guy who always carries a deck of cards in case he gets snowed in or the like. It’s a tool for keeping up morale. Some clothing can also be considered tools. Like a long thin scarf or mosquito headnet. The scarf can be used as a head or neck scarf, but also as a bandage, sling, water strainer, sling, tourniquet, towel, etc. They both fit in the same pocket or can be used to cushion other objects in the pockets.

Unless you want pics of buzzards or turkeys, don’t aim your game camera too high. This camera lost half the shot.

Plastic bags are good things to have. Not only for food and water carriers but for filling with air to help float packs etc. for water crossings. Keep your spare socks dry in them. I use bread bags for game, but a couple of gallon zip locks are best for other uses. Not to say you can’t keep a bigger bag in your pack to keep things dry.

I almost always wear cargo pants and have a pair of folding pliars (like a leatherman) and a pocket screwdriver kit. Real screwdrivers, not the crap on a multi tool. A mirror (in case you get something in your eye) and a sharpening tool can be lifesavers. A folding pocket magnifier for digging out splinters (I don’thave much luck with tweezers) and of course a pocket case of cigars are essential.
These are right in my pocket and not in my survival kit. I carry these right downtown.

Speaking of tools, I learned early in life that fly fishermen were all jerks. Recently however, I learned that not all of them do nothing but wade downstream tripping over your bait. I now have several rods and can’t live without them. A good four piece rod is easy to lug around and is terminal for most fish. A 6 weight is good enough for bluegills or steelhead in the east. But when I told my wife we’d have to cover our walls with foam, as I had run out of boxes to store my hand tied flies, she said I’d have to start giving them away or give up tying. You can get a good beginner’s outfit including a tying kit on sale for under 100 smackers from Cabelas. If you have chickens or hunt birds, you’re good to go. You won’t be able to keep bluegills off your line!

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